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What exactly are essential oils and why are people so goofy over them?

Labdanum Essential Oil Nigeria

Hello there,

How art thou?

I’m sure you have seen adverts for essential oils and the word aromatherapy all over the place, heard people talking about them and wondered what on earth are these oils plus why do people care so much about them?

To understand the why and how to use them we first have to understand what exactly the subject at hand is all about.

So here goes; this is my own essential oil enthusiast and fellow user’s layman’s way of explaining what I know from years of use, learned from aromatherapists, my own research and the internet. You can take my advice ( I do a truck load of research and using myself as the guinea pig to get my info)but you should also double check by doing your own research, I’m always looking to learn so you could teach me something(s) as well which would be way cool.

Essential oils are many times stronger than herbs, and they don’t contain plant properties that will buffer their side effects like an herb does so safe use is paramount!Before we dive in to the nitty gritty and the info waterfall begins, it’s important to note that the skin is our largest organ and not to be ignored in the bid to get the effects of essential oils, it’s also the first thing people see when they look at us and believed to be a general indicator of overall health.Essential oils are very potent and it is highly recommended that they be mixed with carrier oils before using them on the skin.

My version of a beginner’s guide to Essential Oils (EOs), Aromatherapy and definitions of your need to know terminology:

There are so many definitions of essential oils, some quite easy to grasp and some you’d need a PHD in Molecular Chemistry to understand. I found this definition onlineand believe it’s quite a simple one which tells you what they are and the most important information you need to know when buying them. p.s i tweaked it a bit.

What are Essential oils? “An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic (a substance that repels or doesn’t mix with water) liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants.

Some important information that you should know about an essential oil is the botanical name, origin of plant, cultivation method and extraction method.”

Why use Essential oils? Essential oils are natural, concentrated home remedies to enhance many everyday wellness needs.

How to use Essential oils? Use them topically in massage, baths, homemade beauty products, compresses etc Aromatically, in oil burners, diffusers, vaporizers, meditation, steam inhalations etc

What are carrier oils? Carrier oils are naturally derived oils from vegetarian sources that mostly but not always have a neutral smell.

What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils for healing. EOs are comprised of numerous chemical constituents, with each chemicals having a particular signature and mode of action.

When we inhale aroma molecules, we have a direct path to our emotions and memories. That is why when you smell certain aromas, e.g. a neighbor cooking a pot of very tantalizing jollof rice or vegetable soup it can bring you back to a different place and time. You have effectively experienced aromatherapy; this is a very simple analogy for a very complex healing art.

Hope this brings you to a better understanding on these gorgeous, amazing, powerful oils and why people like me are so gaga about them.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or just say hi, we'd love to hear from you.

Till we speak again,

Peace & love,

Naturally yours,


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