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Sun exposure, good or bad?

Sunlight and the skin

Hi everyone,

Let's start with me apologizing for my silence these last few months. Entrepreneurship is generally not for the faint of heart, Nigeria makes it doubly brutal and its easy to get overwhelmed sometimes, but i'll be more consistent from now on.

The heat, especially in Lagos is out of control and the sun seems to have a personal vendetta against us given the intensity of the scorching. Unfortunately, in spite of the intensity of the sun in this part of the world we can't totally avoid it, but it's not all bad as the sun has its own benefits e.g. It is the primary source of the essential Vitamin D which our bodies synthesize from the sun's Ultra Violet rays, plus it helps keep our Circadian rhythms in check so our bodies know when its time to shut down or wake up etc. The million dollar question has always been how much sun and what time of the day is best? I've heard anytime before 10 am, from noon to 2 pm,and even early evening. The jury is still out on who is right so we'll let the Scientists figure that one out and let us know.

Darker skin gives an added layer of protection due to large amounts of melanin which is believed to effectively absorb light and dissipate almost 100% of UV rays it takes in. Because of this,melanin is said to protect skin from UV damage thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer (Melanoma) with studies showing darker skin tones have a lower risk factor for this disease. However this relationship between pigmentation and protection is still being studied and being darker skinned does not completely remove all risk.

Prolonged exposure to UV light can cause damage known as 'Photo aging" which leads to premature aging, wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, large freckle like spots, complexion changes, a tough and leathery skin texture etc.

Always use a Sunblock (protects against UVB Rays which burn the top layer of the skin) and Sunscreen (protects against UVA rays which burn deeper into the skin's sub levels) before going out even when the sun isn't out,UV rays still abound at all times and use products with both sun block & screen capabilities,usually labelled UVA/UVB protection

Sun screen/block is ranked by SPF which is a measure of protection from UV exposure and not the determination of the duration of its effectiveness which is dependent on skin type, sun intensity and quantity used. It generally works like this: An SPF 15 sunscreen blocks 93 percent of UVB radiation, while an SPF 30 sunscreen blocks nearly 97 percent BUT you have to use enough for it to be effective and it must be re applied at least every 2 hours or sooner.

So lets recap:

1. Sun exposure is not all bad

2. Dark skin gives you a head start in the battle against skin cancer....don't lose it or abuse it

3. UVA & UVB rays from the sun are no joke

4. Over exposure to the sun is a bad idea, wear hats, use a parasol, wear sun protective clothes do what you need to do to protect your skin

5. Always use a combo of UVB & UVA protection before exposure and re apply often

Its good to be back......take care out there!

Until we chat again

Stay beautiful & healthy naturally,

Peace & Love


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