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You've got your essential oils, now how do you use them?

Bergamot Essential Oil Nigeria

Hello everyone,

Thank you for being with us, how art thou? Hope you are somewhere relaxing or rocking, if you've had a week in any way similar to deserve it!!

Okay so now your interest in EOs is piqued, you are almost ready to commit or you've got them already and want to use them, now the million Naira question do you use these things?

I shall explain how and give you some options, it's now left to you to choose which one(s) will work best for you.

There are quite a few methods so this will be a bit of a lengthy post and it will still be continued in the next post as i'm sure you've realised by now i like to be thorough.

How to to use essential oils? Essential oils enter the body primarily in 3 ways but we will only be talking about 2 of them here — topically by application to the skin or via inhalation, within each of these, there are many different kinds of application methods.

How to choose an application method?
The application method depends on the condition to be treated and your desired effect e,g. Wound/skin care most often involves topical applications.
Mood effects might be addressed by either inhalation or topical application. For fast action, inhalation might be preferred. Baths involve both inhalation and topical absorption.
Inhalation is done using a variety of techniques and devices.
1. Diffusing
2. Direct Inhalation
3. Indirect Inhalation
4. Hot Water Vapor/Steam Tent
Note: This is not recommended for children younger than 7 years old. Children older than 7 who use this method of aromatherapy can use swimming goggles to protect their eyes and the EOs added should be checked to be acceptable to use for children and even then quantity should be halved or even quartered.
5. Humidifier
6. Fans, vents etc.
7. Perfume or Cologne
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Until the next time we chat......
Peace & Love
Naturally yours, ,
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